This is important to help understand different perspecitves and encounters that other people experience. To understand the rights of others (and of ourselves) helps us to uphold them and recognise when they aren't being maintained. Some helpful resources include the Global Conflict Tracker and Cultural Survival.

Drawing attention to the issue helps it to become more relevant to people. It emphasises its significance and ensures that people are hearing the injustices that children face, and being able to take further action. You can do this by striking up conversations with those around you, or by sharing resources and updates through clubs and school groups, or across social media.

There are a range of organisations that are already on the ground in these places to help. These organsations work practically to help relieve the physical and mental harm that children face from conflict, as well as working in decision-making spaces to protect the rights of children. Donations, volunteering, and engagement are all ways to help sustain these organisations so that they can continue to help these children. Some specific organisations that are doing amazing work include Save the Children and UNICEF.

Whilst understanding people's journeys and spreading that understanding is important, it is futile if nothing changes. We personally can enact change through actions such as writing to political leaders, campaigning, and protesting. Anything to put pressure on political leaders and decision makers helps to enact change. Amnesty International has a lot of resources that facilitate how to take action.